It seems our Government officials will never learn. Chief Elections
Commissioner, Puducherry in association with Dept of Posts issued a
subsidised Meghdoot Post Card with the morphed photograph of the Indian
flag on the famous photograph of World War II US flag raising at Iwo
The iconic photograph was taken on February 23, 1945 by
Joe Rosenthal. It depicts United States Marines raising a U.S.
flag atop Mount Suribachi, during the Battle of Iwo Jima in World War

The photograph became extremely popular, being reprinted in
thousands of publications. Later, it became the only photograph to win
the Pulitzer Prize for Photography in the same year as its publication,
and came to be regarded in the United States as one of the most
significant and recognizable images of the war, and quite possibly the
most reproduced photograph of all time.[Wikipedia].
Over the time
this iconic photograph also became the victim of most "MORPHED
PHOTOGRAPH" in several countries including India. Little they realize that this kind of PHOTOSHOP tricks do not really help glorify their own patriotic farvour.

The Goan newspapers of 19 December 2011 carried several advertisements on the great occasion of celebrating the golden jubilee which turned out to be a sheer nonsense , it was found the image selected by the Goan Government agencies is a FAKE one.
advertisement showed Marines holding high the Indian tricolor in an act of
triumph. If you think the newspaper ad. was
to glorify and well up patriotism, you
are terribly wrong . In fact the
advertisements should be considered as an affront to our dignity.
the recent past the same art work made
by some braindeads in the government agencies had revealed how an immortal
photograph that came to symbolize the
courage and indomitable will of American people in World War II in the Pacific had
been unashamedly vandalized. Even the 'Fake art work' was published by the Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO - an
agency under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India)
It seems Government
Departments just won’t learn.
Heroes of the War in
the Pacific
The US stamp was issued just five months after the
Flag-Raising atop Mt. Suribachi in Iwo Jima. On the day of issue, people stood patiently in lines stretching
for city blocks on a sweltering July day in 1945 for a chance to buy the
beloved stamp. For many years, this was the biggest selling stamp in the
history of the US Post Office. (Over 137 million sold.)
A retouched copy of the original photograph. Issued in 1995
to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the first Iwo Jima stamp.
During World War II, exactly seventy one years ago – U.S. fighting forces displayed extraordinary courage and determination in winning the war in the Pacific. But it was on the island of Iwo Jima that a singular event occurred that would come to symbolize for all time American valour in the long bitter fight against the Japanese. With Japan’s home islands sighted squarely in their minds, as the next target for American warplanes, the U.S. determined that the volcanic island of Iwo Jima was vital to the US goal. The only island in its region suitable for an airfield. Iwo Jima was already the site of two operational Japanese air strips, when the US Marines began their invasion on 19 February 1945. On February 23 – after clawing their way up Mt. Suribachi under relentless Japanese fire – Marine raised a small American flag on the summit.
During World War II, exactly seventy one years ago – U.S. fighting forces displayed extraordinary courage and determination in winning the war in the Pacific. But it was on the island of Iwo Jima that a singular event occurred that would come to symbolize for all time American valour in the long bitter fight against the Japanese. With Japan’s home islands sighted squarely in their minds, as the next target for American warplanes, the U.S. determined that the volcanic island of Iwo Jima was vital to the US goal. The only island in its region suitable for an airfield. Iwo Jima was already the site of two operational Japanese air strips, when the US Marines began their invasion on 19 February 1945. On February 23 – after clawing their way up Mt. Suribachi under relentless Japanese fire – Marine raised a small American flag on the summit.

The sight of the American flag 'The Old
Glory' waving in the breeze evoked cheers from Marines.
Offshore, U.S. warships blew their whistles in tribute. Few hours later,
as a larger flag was being raised on the Mt. Suribachi, the Associated Press
photographer Joe Rosenthal took the memorable picture of the event and became
the most famous of the Pacific war.
The photograph was extremely popular, being reprinted in thousands of
publications and came to be regarded in the United States
as one of the most significant and recognizable images of the war, and possibly
the most reproduced photograph of all time.