25th Intrnational Congress of Vexillology, Rotterdam, Netherlands
It is of great importance that our country – even more
important – that the publication “Flags
and Stamps” will be represented by the owner of this blog, Mr Sekhar Chakrabarti during the 25th International Congress of
Vexillology, Netherlands Flag
Congress 2013, to be held in Rotterdam,
the Netherlands, from 5th August to 9th August 2013.
During this vexillological world congress about 50
national member organizations of the Federation
Internationale des Associations Vexillologiques (FIAV) will be represented
(with over 150 participants from all over the world) and interchange knowledge
on the history, tradition and importance of flags from all over the world.

Tentative Minute to Minute Programme of the Congress
The following is a tentative schedule for the 25th ICV 2013, the Netherlands Flag Congress 2013 at Engels Congress Center (ECC) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. This
schedule is subject to change as Congress officials finalize the details.
August 5, 2013
08.00-10.00 x Registration of
delegates at Engels Congress
(ECC), hand out of documents
08.30-08.45 x Coming together: the Rotterdam International Flag Parade
at the Boompjes Boulevard
08.45-10.30 x hoisting of official flags in the Flag Parade; commemorative photo
at the Flag Parade and trip by bus to Engels Congress Center.
10.30-10.40 x Welcome by the President of the Netherlands Vexillological Association /
25th International Congress
of Vexillology Foundation in ECC / Kriterion Room
10.40-11.00 x Opening of the 25th International
Congress of Vexillology by the President of the FIAV in ECC/Kriterion Room
11.30 x Reading of papers in ECC:
11.30-12.00 - Key note speech; Paper
12.00-12.25 - Paper 2
14.00-14.25 - Paper 3
14.30-14.55 - Paper 4
15.20-15.45 - Paper 5
15.50-16.15 - Paper 6
16.20-16.45 - Paper 7
17.15-18.45 x Reception offered by
the Rotterdam City Council in the
City Hall at Coolsingel.

Tuesday. August 6, 2013
08.30-11.00 x Board meeting &
General Assembly in ECC
11.30 x Reading of papers in ECC:
11.30-11.55 - Paper 8.
12.00-12.25 - Paper 9
14.00-14.25 - Paper 10
14.30-14.55 - Paper 11
15.20-15.45 - Paper 12
15.50-16.15 - Paper 13
16.20-16.45 - Paper 14
16.50-17.15 - Paper 15
August 7, 2013
Hague Peace Palace
Ethnological Museum.
09.00-17.15 x Vexillological tour
(with luncheon) to The Hague Peace
Palace (Dutch: redespaleis) The Hague Flag Parade and an exhibition of old flags of the National Ethnological Museum.
19.00-22.00 x Boat trip through the port of Rotterdam.
August 8, 2013
08.30 x Reading of papers in ECC
08.30-08.55 - Paper 16
09.00-09.25 - Paper 17
09.30-09.55 - Paper 18
10.20-10.45 - Paper 19
10.50-11.15 - Paper 20
11.20-11.45 - Paper 21
11.50-12.15 - Paper 22
12.20-12.45 - Paper 23
14.00-14.25 - Paper 24
14.30-14.55 - Paper 25
15.20-15.45 - Paper 26
15.50-16.15 - Paper 27
16.20-16.45 - Paper 28
16.50-17.15 - Paper 29
18.30-21.30 x Visit to the exhibition of nineteenth
century hand painted Dutch flags in the Rotterdam Maritime Museum.

August 9 2013
09.00 x Reading of papers in ECC
09.00-09.25 - Paper 30
09.30-09.55 - Paper 31
10.00-10.25 - Paper 32
10.45-11.10 - Paper 33
11.15-11.40 - Paper 34
11.45-12.10 - Paper 35
14.00-14.25 - Paper 36
14.30-14.55 - Paper 37
15.00-15.20 x - Paper 38

August 10 2013
Post Conference tour
11.30-12.30: x Guided tour in the National Maritime Museum, Amsterdam
Maritime Museum , Amsterdam