Asian Oceanic Postal Union (AOPU)
Flags of the Member Countries
Most of the countries
in the world are members of the Universal
Postal Union. The Constitution of this Union permits members to form
themselves into restricted unions covering specific regions of the globe.
Special agreements are concluded to facilitate cooperation and improvement in
the postal services of the member countries within the region, provided such
agreements introduce provisions more favourable to the members of the public
than those provided by the acts of the UPU. Further a restricted Union has the
important role of promoting postal development in the region, cooperating with
the UPU and the regional economic commissions in the implementation of
technical assistance programmes in respect of postal services and strengthening
relations with the other restricted Unions. At present the following seven
restricted Unions are functioning in different parts of the world:
1. European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications
Administrations (CEPT), Stockholm.
2. The African Posts
and Telecommunications Union (APTU), Brazzaville.
3. The Arab Postal
Union (UPA), Cairo.
4. The Postal Union of
the Americas and Spain (PUAS), Santiago.
5. The African Postal Union (APU), Cairo.
Asian-Oceanic Postal Union (AOPU), Manila/Bangkok.
7. The Narodic Postal Union (UPPN), Helsinki.
Oceanic Postal Union (AOPU), originally known as Asian Oceanic Postal
Convention is an inter-governmental organization of 32 postal administrations
of the Asian Pacific region.The
objective of AOPU is to extend, facilitate, and improve postal relations
between member countries and to promote cooperation in the field of postal
The convention was to come into
force on 1 April 1962. On that date, they formed a
union among themselves and established its headquarters in Manila with Mr. Palomar, Postmaster General of
Philippines as its first Director.
The headquarters was relocated to Bangkok in
Philippines commemorated 15 years of AOPU in 1977. The Stamps show Flags of fourteen (14) member countries.

Philippines stamps issued to commemorate the 50 th anniversary of AOPU.
(Note; The 30p denomination stamp reproduces one of the stamp issued earlier during 15th anniversary celebration of AOPU. My friend Mr Kenneth Sequeira very kindly sent me the above two stamps from Dubai. Many many thank you Kenneth)
In due course others countries of
the Asian-Pacific region joined this regional postal union (AOPU) making it
today an inter-governmental body of 32 countries namely;
Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China,
Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Korea, Lao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Maldives,
Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa,
Sri Lanka, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Tonga, Vanuatu and Vietnam.