
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wagah Border Sunset Parade and Beating the Retreat (Lowering of Flags of India and Pakistan)

In continuation of my post dated February 01, 2012,  I am pleased to add the write-up on 'Wagah Retreat Ceremony' sent to me by Mr. Dharminder Kapoor, Secretary of Amritsar Philatelic Club, Amritsar for the benefit of all discerning collectors. 
Thank you Mr. Kapoor.


  1. I am in need of words.
    the only one word in my mind now is THANKS!.

  2. It was my great pleasure and honour when your father Mr. Abilash Kapoor paid a visit to my house on date. We had a long and meaningful chats which I will cherish for a long long time.
