
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fiscals of the Princely State of Alwar

Flags and Coat-of-Arms
 by Col Jayanta Dutta

Alwar state formerly Rajputana Jaipur Residency; now in Rajasthan state, India.
 Area of state was 3,158 square miles, and population of state was 749,751 in 1931. Privy purse of state on the time of accession was Rs.5, 20,000/-
Alwar issued several series of adhesives and stamped papers. Not all had the coat of arms with the flag. Here we illustrate the issues which had the coat of arms with the flag
Court fees stamps

Second series is KM Type 10 (about 1920-1925): Different perforations are known, even e.g. 14 x 14 x 11 x 14, size 77x36mm, creamy wove paper, Watermark multiple rosettes.
Third series KM Type- 15 replaced Second series, bearing updated Coat-of-Arms
 Fourth series KM Type -16 used in 1931-49, bearing redrawn with smaller crown in Coat-of-Arms:  size 76x36mm. Perf. 12-1/2, Lithographed
 KM Types 5 to 16 were issued perforated, the next two series are known only imperforate.

Fifth series KM Type -17 imperforate
with Rajasthan State overprint.
The difference between these two types is the position of crown in Coat-of-Arms. Both series were valid between 1940-1949. Please note that many examples from Types 16-18 bear overprint Rajasthan in use after Independence
Then, 5 series of smaller Revenues for general purposes (or Non-judicials) are known (mostly differences are in Coat-of-Arms series, type of printing and perforations).

KM Type 31 - change of Coat-of-Arms: in 1910-25, size 25x30mm. Perf. 14, Wove paper.Printed on Watermarked paper
 Proof of KM Type 31 imperforate in carmine-red color
 KM Type-32, used 1920-25, size 24x28mm. Perf. 11-1/2, Wove paper
 1 Anna, pale brown
1 Anna, red brown
 1 Anna, black brown 
 KM  Type 33:  used in 1940-49, size 24x28mm. Imperf., Wove paper. The crown between the flags is narrow and teller.
KM Type 34:

Printed on unwatermarked paper
1 Anna, black-brown 
 Printed on thin unwatermarked paper 
 1 Anna, black-brown

 1 Anna, red brown, ovpt. Rajasthan  state
Type-34, used in 1945, size 24x28mm. Perf 14., Wove paper. The crown is dropped to a lower position between the flags.
 Essay in black
1 Anna, black brown
 Alwar issued also several stamped paper series for several specific usages.The first is for Hundis.
Three types are listed in KM. Here, 2 annas of Type 10: All these Hundis are very scarce.
Second issue is provisional issue, where Court Fee stamp was 'converted into Non-judicial' by overprint: Only 3 values are known from this Type
Much later, circa 1935 Alwar issued several designs, all with coat-of-arms in central part.
Type 22:
 Type 25 - not listed yet:
 And finally several series, all of them look very similar, they differ mostly in the printer inscription at right bottom:
Other series exist either with no imprint (Type 32) or STATE PRESS, ALWAR (Type 30) or THOMAS DE LA RUE (Type 40)-with changed coat-of-arms.
Here is photo of beautiful watermark (taken through light source) which bear most of the above-mentioned paper series:
                                                                     (To be continued)

1 comment:

  1. I am really thrilled at seeing these exiting and unique stamps. I have some of mine on my own website if you are into collecting!
